Teachers Can Foster
By Jill Rippy
Do you know that teachers are the next best home if a child can't be placed with relatives? Teachers can take foster children into their homes as a kinship placement. And, it does not have to be the child’s classroom teacher. If a teacher or an employee in your school has a relationship with the child who was taken into foster care, they can be considered for a kinship placement. Principals, teachers, aides, custodians, cafeteria specialists...if they have a relationship with that child, they can request to be a resource home.
Further, they are entitled to some benefits. For example, in the state of Indiana, relative and kinship families can receive:
-$300 bed and bedding allowance
-$200 clothing allowance
-respite when you need a break
-$50 holiday and $50 birthday allowance
-6 months free childcare
-child receives full medical, vision and dental coverage
-child has a $300 personal allowance per year
Also, the child can be placed with you as a kinship placement first then you can become a licensed foster parent to then receive funds to care for the child.
Spread the word...Educate our schools!
If you are looking to become a licensed foster parent in the state of Indiana, reach out. Send me an email at thefosterlife@yahoo.com with your name, address and phone number. I will connect you with someone in your state who can help you get started. (I do nothing with your personal info other than connect you with someone who can help you.)